Product details COTTON OIL - ECSA ChemicalsProduct details COTTON OIL - ECSA Chemicals


ECSA Chemicals supplier and distributor of COTTON OIL Swiss and EU industry


ECSA Chemicals supplier and distributor of COTTON OIL Swiss and EU industry
Product family
Cosmetics & Detergents
Item code
MP 010123
DRUM X 25 KG - DRUM X 190 KG
    COTTON OIL yellow to yellow Transparent Liquid Refined oil. The high content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, makes this product useful for cosmetic applications. It has a regenerative effect on the coetaneous tissues, and therefore enhances local circulation in the area treated to bring about revitalisation of the dermis. Topical application of triacylglycerols rich in linoleic acid has been shown to restore the lipid barrier in humans suffering from fatty acids deficiency and impaired stratum corneum functions. It is also applied in facial creams and body products due to its emollient properties.

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MP 010123
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