Quality and Certifications: a reliable partner

We certify our commitment to guaranteeing Quality and Control in all phases, from the selection of raw materials up to their delivery

Quality and Certifications: a reliable partner

We certify our commitment to guaranteeing Quality and Control in all phases, from the selection of raw materials up to their delivery

The numerous certifications obtained by ECSA over the years are proof of our efforts and commitment in numerous fields, ranging from the quality of products and processes to the management of goods obtainment and supply.

We also carry out specific, aimed audits, according to our customers’ needs, in order to assess individual suppliers.

Our premises in Balerna, Flawil and Desio have ISO 9001:2015 certification.

The Balerna and Flawil warehouses have SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment System) report.

SQAS is a system of uniform third party assessments to evaluate the quality of performance, safety, the environmental safety of suppliers, logistics services and distributors of chemical products. The assessments are carried out by independent assessors who use a standard questionnaire.

ECSA has achieved scores well above the average in three sectors: quality, safety and environment.


ECSA Chemicals has roles dedicated to all activities related to national and international legislation.

We regularly assess our suppliers and are committed to checking, on a daily basis, all the operations that involve the distribution, sourcing, quality and documentation of the products we market, to guarantee regulatory compliance and ensure controls on every part of the supply chain to our customers.

The ISO 9000 standards are a set of rules and guidelines, developed by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), which define the requirements for the implementation, inside an organisation, of a quality management system, in order to manage corporate processes, improve the efficacy and efficiency in the creation of a product and provision of a service, fulfil and exceed customer expectations.

ISO 9001:2008, Quality management systems – the standard sets out the requirements for the quality management system in an organisation. The requirements listed are of a “general nature” and can be implemented by any kind of organisation.

SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment System) is a system of uniform third party assessments to evaluate the quality of performance, safety, the environmental safety of suppliers, logistics services and distributors of chemical products. The assessments are carried out by independent assessors who use a standard questionnaire. A SQAS assessment does not provide a certificate but offers a detailed report that every chemical company can assess based on their needs

The medicine distribution network is becoming increasingly complex and involves many operators. For this reason, in 1994 and in 2013, the European Commission published the EU Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of medicinal products for human use (GDP).

The essential aim of the Guidelines is the optimisation of transport, storage and distribution activities and the improvement of activities for the recall of faulty or counterfeit medicines.

These guidelines establish adequate tools to help wholesale distributors carry out their activities and prevent counterfeit medicines from entering the distribution chain.

Responsible Care is a global, voluntary initiative established independently by the Chemical Business Association and designed for the chemical industry. It is active in 52 countries and includes almost 90% of the world’s production of chemical products. It was introduced because the chemical industry wanted to improve performance and quality standards in terms of health, safety and the environment.

The chemical companies that have signed up to it agree to improve their performances in environmental protection, health and safety in the workplace, safety of their facilities, accurate management of products and logistics, as well as continuously communicating with their neighbours and the public, regardless of legal obligations.

Download certificate – Wholesale trading of medications/ Trading of medications abroad
Download certificate – License to use controlled substances

Skills at the service of consumer trust in therapeutic agents

As a Swiss authority for homologation and surveillance, it complies with the legal mandate and collaborates nationally and abroad with partner authorities.

It acts to ensure that approved therapeutic agents are high quality, safe and effective; it contributes considerably to the protection of the health of people and animals and in positioning Switzerland as a financial and research centre.

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The bio inspecta international certifications expect companies meet uniform qualitative requirements. “bio.inspecta” and “q.inspecta” proceed together in the performance chain, from production to transformation and up to the point of sale.

Traceability and indisputable evidence are increasingly an important factor in international trade. The aim consists in providing credibility to the culture, transformation and trade of products.

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The main duties of the Environmental Division consist in the research, observations and forecasts concerning the status of natural and environmental elements in the Ticino region and in the preparation of protection and restoration measures.

The Division aims to define sector-specific strategies to prevent and counteract environmental damage. Priorities include inspections and the modernisation of industrial and commercial facilities and chemical safety.

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The Myclimate – The Climate Protection Partnership non-profit trust is an international initiative that started in Switzerland. Established in 2002 as a spin-off of the ETH Zurich university, myclimate is one of the world leaders in the voluntary offsetting of carbon emissions. The market-oriented myclimate is founded on scientific bases and puts its guidelines into practice – “avoid – reduce – compensate” and “do the best and offset the rest”.

To implement climate protection measures as effectively and efficiently as possible, myclimate has created an international network of representatives and project partners, who act on behalf of myclimate in their own countries.

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The D&B Rating Certificate is the quality label for the economy and stands for reliability and stability.

Only 2% of Swiss companies meet the requirements for the D&B Rating Certificate. In order to apply for the certificate, the company must have been classified in the best risk class by D&B for one year.

The awarding of the certificate confirms that the company is a reliable and interesting business partner with a stable economic situation and an excellent payment morality.

It also testifies to the ability to fulfill commercial obligations towards customers and suppliers.

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The signatories of the Charta della Sicurezza are committed to complying with rules on safety in the workplace. The aim is to protect the health and safety of all workers. Working must not be a life hazard.

The Charta della Sicurezza was prepared by SUVA [Swiss National Accident Insurance Organisation] working with employers’ associations, planners and trade unions. It is a kind of alliance among the various partners in the professional world who are in favour of greater safety in the workplace.

Download certificate ECSA Chemicals AG

Download certificate ECSA Italia srl

Feed safety is a prerequisite for food safety. The FAMI-QS European Code of Good Practice for Feed Additives and Premixtures Operators defines the requirements for producers of feed additives and feed premixes.

The fact that the FAMI-QS Code of Good Practice is an industry standard that was created by renowned representatives of the industry makes it practical and credible. The code was approved in 2007 by the EC «Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health» as being a suitable system for implementing the requirements of European Feed Hygiene Regulation 183/2005.

Download GMP Authorization

ECSA Chemicals AG has received from Swissmedic the authorization to carry out dilution operations according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines.

GMP is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product.

ECSA Italia Srl has adopted the organization, management and control model referred to in Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231. The model together with the code of ethics constitute the set of acts and actions put in place by ECSA Italia Srl and aimed at promoting fairness and transparency in the conduct of its business. Extracts of the model and code of ethics are available on the company’s website.

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ORGANIC AND NATURAL CERTIFICATION FOR COSMETICS The COSMOS-standard signature is a consumer guarantee for organic and natural cosmetics that you can trust. To date over 29,000 products in 71 countries carry our COSMOS ORGANIC or COSMOS NATURAL signature. Over 12,000 ingredients carry our COSMOS CERTIFIED signature. Over 7,000 raw materials carry our COSMOS APPROVED signature. ​ The COSMOS-standard defines the criteria that companies must meet to ensure consumers that their products are genuine organic or natural cosmetics produced to the highest feasible sustainability practices.


REACH is the EU regulation on chemical substances; the name is the acronym of “Registration, Evaluation ed Authorisation of CHemicals”.

REACH came into effect on 1 June 2007 and replaces the previous legislation on chemical substances in the European Union (EU). The main objective of the REACH regulation is to guarantee the greatest level of safety and protection for human health and for the environment.

It is our policy to be fully compliant with the REACH Regulation and to guarantee continuity in the offer of all the raw materials included in our portfolio, to supply the same volumes of goods as in the previous years, working closely with suppliers and customers to that end. All substances subject to the REACH regulation are imported by ECSA Chemicals in full compliance with the law.

ECSA Chemicals staff includes a REACH expert who manages all activities related to this regulation. Our web site regularly publishes content with detailed information on REACH and quality topics. You are welcome to submit questions that are specific to your needs. Please visit the ADVICE FROM THE QUALITY EXPERT page and stay updated.


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