Chemophobia: the irrational fear of chemicals

The mistaken belief that "natural" is healthier than "chemical"

Chemophobia: the irrational fear of chemicals

The mistaken belief that "natural" is healthier than "chemical"
29 Oktober 2020

Chemophobia: the irrational fear of chemicals

In the last few years, the part of the cosmetics industry that rides the „natural“ trend has heavily fueled the fear of everything „chemical“ as if the two were in opposition. This has generated such widespread distrust of chemistry that a term has even been coined to describe it: CHEMOFOBIA.

In 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic increasing the concern of personal health, the demand for natural products has risen as they are considered safer; an understandable attitude but which is based on the deeply mistaken concept that the safety of raw materials depends on their origin or nature and not on their intrinsic characteristics.

The journal Nature Chemistry recently published the results of the research made by the Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED) on the topic of chemophobia.

The study, funded by the Swiss government, shows that 40% of the people interviewed would even like to live in a world where there are no chemicals and consequently, absurdly, not even human beings, who are made up and survive thanks to chemicals and without which there would be no life on earth.

Only through continuous information on the safe use of chemistry and toxicology can cosmetic product formulators consciously make informed decisions by evaluating and promoting the safety of synthetic and natural substances in a more responsible way.

Paola Dal Corno| ECSA Chemicals
Paola Dal Corno
Technical Sales Manager

With this in mind, ECSA provides its customers with comprehensive and transparent information on all the raw materials in its portfolio and technical support to guide laboratories in the choice and use of products.


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