Vitamin C

The healthy allrounder

Vitamin C

The healthy allrounder

Ascorbic acid is a white, crystalline water-soluble solid with a sour taste. It exists in various forms, but only the form L –(+)- ascorbic acid exhibits biological activities. L –(+)- ascorbic acid and its derivatives are grouped together under the name Vitamin C.


In humans, ascorbic acid has an antioxidant effect and serves as a free radical neutralizerVitamin C stimulates the body’s own defenses through various processes and is, therefore, immune strengthening.

Ascorbic acid is used as a preservative in many foods (E 300). The labeling of the derivatives are E 301 (sodium ascorbate), E 302 (calcium ascorbate), and E 304 (ascorbyl palmitate + ascorbyl stearate).

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