Le Groupe ECSA annonce les lauréats de l’appel Street Art « Back to human contact »

NSN997, Edoardo Ettorre et Capo.Bianco sont les trois gagnants

Le Groupe ECSA annonce les lauréats de l’appel Street Art « Back to human contact »

NSN997, Edoardo Ettorre et Capo.Bianco sont les trois gagnants

ECSA Group announces the winners of the Street Art call "Back to human contact"

NSN997, Edoardo Ettorre and Capo.Bianco are the three winners selected by the jury from a shortlist of over sixty applications from all over the world. Starting from 5 September, in turn, they will be working on the external walls that delimit the Group's headquarters in Balerna.



1st place: NSN997 (Italy / Spain)

Realization: 5-9 September

2nd place: Edoardo Ettorre (Italy)

Realization: 27 September – 3 October

3rd place: Capo.Bianco (Italy)

Realization: 14 – 20 September

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