To satisfy the numerous requests for disinfecting products arising as the Covid-19 pandemic spreads, ECSA has started producing some disinfectants such as EUKA DISINFECTANT BE.
The permission to produce these disinfectants was granted as an extraordinary measure thanks to a decision of the Notifying Body of chemical products in the UFSP [Federal Office of Public health], UFAM [Federal Office for the Environment] and SECO [State secretariat for the economy].
This authorisation permits the marketing of alcohol-based disinfectants without having to submit a prior request to the Notifying Body of chemical products, as occurs normally. In this way, the months-long wait normally required to process the request and obtain the authorisation to market the product can be avoided. This quicker, more flexible procedure is aimed at reducing the supply problems professionals and private citizens are experiencing.
Although the procedure has been simplified, the products must still meet the terms and parameters set out in the extraordinary resolution. The full text of the resolution is in the attachment.
The extraordinary homologation of these products is valid until 31 August 2020.